# OpensourceADHD Okay, so this site is one of approximately 76,483,174 ideas that I have. Some will get published here, some to [my Github](https://github.com/opensourceADHD) and some will get lost to the ether of my brain. Generally the goal for this site is to be a place for me to store useful information to myself based off my professional pursuits and hobbies. I figure some might be useful to others as well. I think most posts here will be longwinded, and will hopefully have TL;DR; sections, recaps, and quick-tips as well. I'd love to move this to a more custom site, but after 2 years of digging into rabbit holes about which sites to use, Obsidian Publish seemed like a good tool to use considering I use Obsidian for all of my personal note taking anyways. So rather than diving back into that rabbit hole, I chose something and we'll run with it. > [!DISCLAIMER] Tone & Absolutism > Everyone has their own experience, myself included. Any opinion I express here is my opinion. I will try my best to not pretend my way is the ***best*** way of doing something, just a way that I like. I'm not going to caveat ***every*** sentence, we'll see how well that goes. # # Why Create This? In general, I've been pretty frustrated with some forms of online technical documentation and education. There's a few categories of options available from what I can see, and they all have their unique traits, and their own drawbacks. I'm not trying to fix everything out there, but I am trying to present information in a way that works for me, and hopefully others. There are a million sites and blogs that share info for how to do something, but leave out the information on what's happening, or why the info is relevant for solving a challenge. I want to include that information, as well as the crucial aspects of "how do I undo that?", "what if it didn't work?" and "what's actually going on?". ### First Party Technical tutorials are great starting points, though for how I process info, they are often less-than-practical. Most first-party info is too sterile to be of use for a real-world application and getting up to speed quick. They're rarely more insightful than reading the documentation myself. If I am forced to watch one more tutorial that is in a monotone voice, and shows no-edge cases, I think I might switch careers and become a professional rock-eater. (*idk, just roll with it*). First party documentation when it exists is a great reference, but is often so dense, that even if you're experienced, it's a slog to parse and understand how to apply to your situation. Especially when starting out in an area of expertise, it can be off balane for the complexity scale you're at. Either jumping into complex topics too fast, or being to simple to be expanded on without applicable skills. ### Community Forums Forums are _**incredible**_ places of knowledgeable users, and a repository of knowledge from past problems. My main problem with them, is everyone is _**so goddamn opinionated**_ (I guess myself included). Someone could have a solution that works, but isn't _**the perfect solution**_ and it will get mocked and dragged for no reason. I've posted on a few forums over the years with little success, and now mostly just search and compile my own notes and research. I've also read far too many forum posts where someone asks a question, and then is left unanswered, or the thread is otherwise left hanging. Those are annoying, but I get it. ### ✨ Community Tutorials ✨ Community tutorials I find to be the most valuable source of information. People who have first-hand knowledge with a product and are sharing a specific use-case for it are indispensable. That's how I got my career started in tech, **VideoCopilot** was the greatest at the time source for animation and VFX tutorials all in one place. They had character, charm, useful information, and they showed the real-side of things, but at an accessible level that launched my career. My favorite thing in a tutorial is when something doesn't go to plan, or is broken, and then the person shares the troubleshooting process. I learn more from detours troubleshooting than the actual video most of the time. It often gives you more of the "why" and not just the "what-to-do". ### 3rd Party Tutorials & Blogs These are so hit or miss. There's plenty of sites that show you tutorials for "how to do X in macOS" or "These 5 secret settings you missed on Android" or whatever. And there's a million blogs that have outdated or incomplete information. (Mine will probably be included in that one or both categories) There's nothing wrong with that, but I feel like we're approaching the same level of cruft that the average online recipe has but for tech tutorials. Clickbait articles, tons of ads, etc. All of these things drive me up a wall when i just want to remember the syntax for a command and the man-pages aren't helpful. # Goal of this site Okay, so that's enough ranting about the state of online information. I learn pretty much everything online so clearly something is going right, but I also frequently will run into problems where I run my head into a wall for 3 weeks, and then figure out it was some simple thing all along. I want to make this site be a useful repository of information that is kept as up-to-date as possible. I'd love to open it to discussion at some point, but for now we're approaching one thing at a time. See my [[Contact|contact page]] if you want to get in touch. The end-goal is kinda a hybrid of a knowledge-base, a wiki, and a forum. I want a place where it's not just information from a single source, there is room for discussion and experimentation, and that mistakes are welcome.